Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mind Your Buisness Damn IT!!! Obama ok

I don’t normally tell people who I am going to vote for because it’s my own damn business. To hell with anyone who doesn’t agree with me, I am still a Hillary supporter but I must say I am somewhat motivated by the rash support for Barack Obama, but somewhat agitated that people keep insisting I vote for him. Enough already!!! I am not retarded by no means would I waste a vote and give it to McCain(plus he didn’t respond to my emails) in fact I had made my mind up that I wasn’t going to vote period that was until Oct 31st came around, to most people its Halloween but for me it is the anniversary of my maternal grandmother’s death. She was a fierce woman; many say I am like her minus all the religion. I remember as a small child she tried to make me read this book call “Roots” and I resisted because I thought she was freaking crazy but then ABC decided to have a many series and yes I was forced to watch it and I was so intrigued by the character Kunta Kinte, nevertheless I did have a new found prospective of white people, yep I hated them, and did so sub-consciously but as I got older my grandmother took me to dance lessons where me and my sister were the only black children and I grew somewhat confused that I had to socialize with these same people who mistreated my people {black people}, I didn’t complain I just went along with her demented theories. Later I went to school where I became friends with little white children and my hatred slowly subsided and I learned to love white people not because they were white but because they were like me a child and my friends, as I got older I would go to some of their houses and play but I soon realized that some of them had hatred towards black people that we had towards them, but as I got older I realized black people hate black people too so what makes white people so different? My point is we all illustrate some sort of hatred at some point in our lives but it is the ignorance that turns it in to racism. My friends have called me everything but a child a god because I don’t support Obama, I guess because they would be reassured that they are making the right decision by the pretty pimp supporting him. Yes, I am that influential what do you think a pimp does? Influence those who can’t make decisions for themselves. The man (Obama) does not move me politically and I am not voting for someone because they are black that would be reverse racism. But I say this with the arrogance of Kanye and the confidence of the late great Johnny Cochran; I will cast a vote for him (Obama) the man in Alex Haley’s movie that was given a literacy test in order to register to vote in Henning, TN and then denied that right. I cast my vote for all my niggas. Yes, I said niggas, that are locked up at WTSP in that same county that Alex Haley took his journey back to in order to find his roots(slavery still exist in TN it’s called prison), I cast my vote for all those other people who were denied the right to vote because of the color of their skin, I cast my vote for Myrtle Bivens Monroe who fought hard and long for equality in Jackson, TN by sacrificing my mother and making her go to Jackson High to learn Latin and entitle her daughter to the same privileges as whites (yep they fucked up and didn’t offer it in the black school) and open the door for a historical Supreme court ruling to be handed down and for what you know Jackson Central- Merry to be what it is today.{google it if you don’t believe me Monroe Vs. Board of Commissioners Supreme court ruling} Going all the way is in my blood so now you know. My mother was spit on and called nigger everyday by white people; she had no friends in high school, so I could have whoever I want to be my friend and it not matter what color they are but indeed the content of their character. My grandmother lived for this day; so I will put asisde my personal beliefs and do it for her, people lived to see the day that a Black man or almost Black man would be president and if Colon Powel can do it so can I {lol} Now leave me the hell alone and stop telling me who I should vote for I got this!!!